Christmas Holiday HW - Self Analysis

Peer Assessment Question 1a Portfolio

Skill Concept/question:

Student name: Elif Cengizler

MEG:                      Working at Grade:
List examples of RMT referenced:

1.    Prelim - 

2.    AS – XXL Magazine

3.    AS – VIBE Magazine

4.    A2 – Blair Witch, Scream, Friday the 13th,

5.    A2 – Nightmare on Elm Street, Texas Chainsaw.
List terminology words:

Audience, reinvent, sub-genre, genre, conventions, creativity, magazine structure, cover lines, strap lines, high and low angles, real media texts, iconic, slasher, patriarchy, antagonist, final girl, POV shot, editing, research and plan, semiotics, product.

Ref no
Level 1:
Outlines, defines or describes conventions/digital technology/research & planning/post production with little reference to own production, and is under 250 words (1 side handwritten A4)

Level 2 lower:
Introduces and describes 2-3 relevant examples of their work across the 2 years using some correct terminology

Level 2 mid:
Provides some examples but inconsistently and/or lacks comparison

Level 2 higher:
Describes the development of relevant skills using 3 examples across the 2 years and gives some comments on why they are conventions/their purpose/influence on creativity with some reference to own production

Level 3 lower:
The essay uses paragraphs and full sentences, there are minimal errors in grammar or spelling and addresses the question (ie Use, challenge, develop/influence on creativity/understanding of conventions) and refers to examples of RMT

Level 3 lower:
Gives specific textual examples from own production (ie colours) and applies to examples of RMT. Gives some explanation of purpose/use of/function/influence on

Level 3 mid:
Explains critically how the skill is relevant to their own production and how this skill has developed over the 2 years to address the question

Level 3 higher:
Compares a 4-5 key examples from significant productions with RMT to explain how their skills and level of understanding has improved


Level 3 higher:
Compares a 4-5 key examples from significant productions with RMT to explain how their skills and level of understanding has improved to show progression


Level 4:
Critically evaluates the extent that they have progressed over the 2 years with 4-5 key examples, fully explaining the significance on their production work and referring to influences of RMT/Technologies etc. May bring in ideas of Post-modernism


Level 4:
Confidently justifies argument with detailed textual examples from the production and conventions of existing media/creative possibilities that technologies creates. May justify themselves as a Post-modern practitioner


Level 4:
There are no or minimal grammatical or spelling errors and terminology is used confidently, regularly and correctly


What are the 3 priority targets to secure the grade or move to a higher level

1. Explanation, analysis, argument

Set my essay in the PEA structure.
2. Use of examples

Go into more depth and be more specific when referring back to examples of my work.
3. Use of terminology

I need to incorporate more terminology words that we have used in the past.
